I've had the opportunity to work with hundreds of individuals on their own personal journeys to happiness. That's exactly what it is, a personal journey.

Happiness is not a point that you reach but more a speed you maintain. We're all human, and there's no cruise control for our minds. That's why I've developed some simple steps not just to reach your speed of happiness, but also maintain it.

There's no price-tag on happiness, which is why I work with individuals where they're comfortable, willing, and able to be. We can schedule a call, meet in person, or you can participate in my video courses. Come as you are, and leave able

"I thought I understood myself, until I started working with Clyde. He helped me truly understand where my ruts were, how I got in them, and how to get out and stay out of them."


It starts with you.

Your first chat with is 100% free and you'll leave the call with your very own happiness map.